Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kaspersky: Sality.aa Virus Still rule in December

JAKARTA - Virus.Win32.Sality.aa and Packed.Win32.Krap.b the top during the month of November, remain in the position in December as the virus flare thwart the computer world. Overall, the ranking does not change the composition dramatically.

This statement was delivered through a monthly report in December this Kaspersky, Tuesday (6/1/2009). New month, Mabezat.b worms and AutoRun.eee, both ranking third increase in December. This reflects the effective or not with what they spread through portable devices, and to use the classic method of distribution of resources through the network divided. Mabezat.b can also menginfeksi files. Sality.aa virus used as a similar approach to this and help him ascend to the top ranking. Now mabezat.b use the same tricks.

Virus.Win32.Alman.b make an interesting hikes ranking of 10 this month. Alman from the default is to steal passwords for various online games. Considering the events that culminate gamer during the winter months, increased dramatically this very easily described. Akanlah very interesting to see what happens to the position of this dangerous program in the next months.

Two newcomers, and Trojan-Downlder.JS.Agent.czm, is a pen-download any posts that do not have a general and specific features of interest.

The high percentage of malicious program recently written language Autolt writing. This is because the language is mastered easily, making it easy to create new programs. A sharp increase on the table by and the emergence of new in December to confirm this development. As Mabezat.b and AutoRun.eee, spread through portable devices.

The presence of two dangerous programs that represent a family of malware is not the standard in the ranking of 20 - Trojan-Downloader.WMA.GetCodec - also interesting. One of them appeared in 20 for the first time last month, directly to the rank 3, although in December shaky. Only that, Trojan-Downloader.WMA.GetCodec.r, sebuh program is interesting. Play a multimedia file that will result in an infected file downloaded - this file is P2p-Worm.Win32.Nugg.w, generally tersaji as a codec. When executed, it downloads several files containing multimedia files from the Internet. This file is different from the P2P-Worm.Win32.Nugg, while multimedia files infected by Trojan-variants Downloader.WMA.GetCodec different. Worm rename these files with " keygen", "(hot remix). Mp3" and other names that can attract users and make them be on the network peer-to-peer Gnutella.

Unexpectedly, the user and then download the files, the code continues to spread dangerous. This brings us to a conclusion that even multimedia files are not always reliable, and users who pushed for the "download a codec" should be vigilant.

All programs malware, adware and unwanted programs from this ranking can be parsed into several main categories of threat detected by Kaspersky Lab. Percentage did not change significantly compared to the month of November. Programs that can be dangerous bereplikasi stand on its own 45 percent, indicating the fear that such programs become more prevalent. Percentage distribution of self-replicating program and does not become a Trojan balanced, accurately reflect the position of the latest malware.

381,990 kinds of malicious programs and unwanted detected on the computer user in December. This means that the amount of ITW threat has been reduced, in December 7500 we detect, almost equal numbers in November (45,690).

Rank remain stable to two, with a few changes compared with 20 in the month of November on a very dangerous program common objects detected on the infected user on the computer.
One newcomer is, a Trojan pendownload, including a number of code? iframe a dangerous block is added at the end of the web page. When the main page are loading, one of the terspesifikasi in the iframe also terupload. In this case, the page containing the malicious JavaScript.

Debut in 20 of our is a worm, a variant of a new, which appear in October in the ranking to 19 and disappeared from the rankings in November.

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