Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kaspersky: Malware 15 Million During 2008

MOSCOW - The ability of criminals to predict the virtual world will continue to increase and growing. This is evident from reports of anti-virus company Kaspersky found that 15 million new types of Malware to the year 2008.

Kaspersky chief executive, said Eugene Kaspersky amount indeed surprise because in 2007 there were as much ago only two million new malware.

"It is not surprising that business if cyber crimes in 2008 valued at no less than USD100 billion," said Eugene dilansir as Vnunet, Friday (5/12/2008).

Business development have created a cyber crime industry security situation in panic. These companies recognize that the security needs greater investment in technology to overcome the problem.

In addition, Kaspersky estimates that there are tens of thousands of people involved in business crime and cyber security to make companies compete to recruit security experts security to compensate for the severity villain-villain the virtual world.

"It is very difficult to find the best software engineers. But we will never rent a virtual world criminals. Section, as is known, it is easier to build an attack rather than to build a protection," said Eugene.

Meanwhile, other security service provider MessageLabs also released a report security threat virtual world. MessageLabs said, in the year 2008 there is increased up to 80 percent of Internet sites that contain malicious programs, or an average of 2,290 attacks per day.

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