Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Photo Editing on the Mac with Google's Picasa

California - Google's official release diperuntukan special software for the Mac, which are named Picasa. What keistimewaannya?

Picasa is software that Google Anyar from this, that are special to the Mac desktop. Later, Apple notebook output will dimudahkan in doing organisir, to edit, and mengunggah photos.

This software will be connected with the Intel Mac OS X 10.4. However, even though the new Mac, do not close the possibility of other applications such as Windows and Linux will also be connected. MacWorld such reports, on Tuesday (6/1/2009).

Picasa itself can be downloaded gartis in beta. Google, Picasa can help mengoprek everything associated with the image or images, including image files in iPhoto or other folders. Can be said, Picasa merupakaan photoshop its Google.

"We want to make Mac users easily create a better image," said Marketing Manager Picasa, Jason Cook.

The advantages of Picasa, also includes many other features, such as the slideshow movie maker with a single click on YouTube can be uploaded, and the ability to send pictures to pages

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