Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tools to Improve Ampuh "troubleshooting" PC (part 1)

If you are the only computer expert in your family or even in the environmental friends, you often feel bored with the questions from the stupid people around you, such as: "My PC can not read the CD", "application x suddenly damaged, "" I forgot my keyword ", and a set of questions that you are very simple and a bit foolish. Although it seems difficult to avoid you, but there are several ways for you to answer a question with a solution that is easily and quickly.

To do this is to collect some free applications from the internet, a "portable" so that you can take it to everywhere and use anywhere. Fair with a USB cheap (around 4GB capacity), you can cut off discussion and explanation of the long and tiring for people to ask you. And one of the things that are important applications can be taken with the "free". Let's see the list with some of the application.
Anti-Virus Problems
Virus, Malware, SPAM, and Spyware is one of the issues that most frequently asked questions. The answer is that you remove the USB is ClamWin and contain copies of McAfee Avert Stinger and almost all the usual threats can be resolved.

In addition, Google Pack and instalasikan coffee folder "Norton Security Scan" from the folder "Program Files" into your USB. You'll then be able to run the program (nss.exe) from a PC with Windows XP or Vista anywhere.
Explore the Software Problems
If the PC does not have the virus, they may have problems in the software is running. Use AutoRuns to find what works on the PC to boot, and then move to the Process Explorer to find what is actually working now.
Restoration Data Hard Drive (HD)
Consanguine panic because you remove the very things that are important, but at the time you present it as a hero. With the application Recuva portable version, you will be able to data from merestorasi in HD, a memory card, and an MP3 player, the application can even restore some files that can not be done by other similar applications.
Up with Akrabkan File Format
You often hear the common PC user as they receive the necessary files, but I can not open it. Why? Usually because they do not have the necessary software. For that, try to enter the Portable in your collection, and your colleagues certainly can deal directly with Word documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and other similar files.

There's more SoftMaker Office application for the older PC (can work on Windows 95) and try to use PDF-Xchange Viewer to deal with PDF files.
Read Data from the Old CD
If your friend does not complain because it can read files from a CD that is quite old, so there may be you can do, is to try Unstoppable Copier. Perestorasi application of this data can take any sector that can be read from your files and incorporate them into one file.

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