Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fix Problems with Two Boot Vista Features

Many people think that Windows Vista is not so good, but even so the benefits of Vista has a variety of different operating systems (OS) Windows before. One of them will be discussed as this facility is System Restore and Repair the Windows Start Up. When Windows Vista problems in the boot, there are two easy ways to address them:

1. Repair Facility Start Up Windows Vista
2. Facilities System Restore Windows Vista

How is:

1. Insert the Windows Vista installation DVD
2. When requested to select a language during installation leave it and click "Next"
3. Windows will display the option Install and Repair Windows Vista, select the "Repair"
4. Windows will automatically check the start-up process that is broken (error) and improve
5. After you have finished the window will show you that the repair was carried out successfully
6. If you believe you do not file another damaged click the "Next" button, but if you want me to restore as many components of Windows OS that you suspect is broken click "Cancel"
7. Then a window will appear that displays some of the options, now select the "System restore"
8. In the next you will be presented at the various options that can restore your OS to return to previous conditions
9. If you want the first time again select option "Show System Restore Older Than 5 Days"
10. Select the date you want me-restore your computer and click "Next"
11. Wait until the process is complete
12. Restart your computer

Windows Vista system restore is better than in Windows XP because it is completely restore the files that are in the System Drive and the entire configuration of Windows. Besides Repair facilities also start up properly be regarded as really the issue that Windows failed podići entry windows.

Note: If you do a system restore DVD without Windows Vista requires a fairly long time.

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