Thursday, January 8, 2009

Plans Do not ' pursue Project' stealing Rural Telephone

Jakarta - The telecommunications operator should not be considered that the rural telephone network, built in the program Uso (Universal Service Obligation) as the base project. It was thus should be seen as investment base.

Said Mohammad Nuh Menkominfo meet on the sidelines of the press delegation DIPA budget year 2009 to the officials echelon I Depkominfo, on Wednesday (7/1/2009) evening.

Because, according to him, would not want the service are in fact also want to expand their coverage. And the only time a problem living.

"But the program took Uso, operators can also make the expansion to a specific area, we bayari even more," he said.

But before that, the minister resumed, need to remember is that there is need to shift the paradigm of service-related programs Uso this regard. Base from which to project investment base.

"So it seems a bit embarrassed if the service is too much incentive ask if participated in the project Uso," pungkas Noah.

Uso own through the program, in September 2009 are expected to wait at least five zones in the region is rural sector can be connected via a full access to information communication technology.

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