Thursday, January 8, 2009

Indosat Be Partner Islamic World Forum

Jakarta --
Indosat elected official to be partners in the telecommunications service provider forum fifth World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF), which will take place in early March 2009 to come.

As the official telecommunications partner, Indosat will provide an integrated telecommunications services to all forum participants, such as internet access and cable-based broadband wireless 3.5 G, the needs of IT devices, access to mobile phone and fixed i-phone, and other supporting services.

"This forum is very important for Indonesia as a large Muslim country in the world. And Indosat telecommunications service hope this will support the success of the event and brought in the name redolent of the world," a Dirut Indosat, Johnny Swandi Sjam to detikINET, Wednesday (7 / 1 / 2009).

In addition to the WIEF, Indosat has also become a partner several times the official provider of telecommunication services in several important event such as the Asian Football Cup, Thomas Cup, Indonesia Presidential Golf Tournament, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Asian Beach Games in Bali, not this time.

"At all events, Indosat provides support services include teleponi, internet, 3.5G, and satellites," Johnny pungkas.

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